Policies and Procedures

Engineers Academy Policies and Procedures

Engineers Academy implement a range of Policies and Procedures, to enable the effective operation of their courses, programmes and other business activities. The policy information below is provided for reference purposes, for existing and prospective students, customers and clients.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Below are the general Terms and Conditions of use for students, customers and clients engaging with Engineers Academy:


EA - Academic Conduct Policy

This policy outlines the expectations with regard to academic conduct, appeals and complaints, for both students and staff involved in Higher National (HN) Engineers Academy programmes:


EA - Assessment and IV Policy

All students studying accredited programmes on the Engineers Academy study platform are entitled to clear and transparent information as to how they are assessed, as outlined in this policy:


EA - Assessment Board Policy

All assessment activity within Engineers Academy is ultimately overseen and reviewed by the Assessment Board. This policy outlines the structure and operation of Assessment Boards that Engineers Academy holds both as its own centre, and in conjunction with partner colleges:


EA - Conflicts of Interest Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the integrity of the Engineers Academy decision-making processes, enabling stakeholders to have confidence in the organisation, and to protect the reputation of their staff, managers, and directors:


EA - Data Management Policy

Engineers Academy gathers and stores only the personal information and data relating to its subscribers, applicants and students that is relevant and necessary for their engagement on the Engineers Academy study platform. This policy provides details on the data that is gathered for different modes of engagement on the platform, and outlines the purpose of such data being gathered:


EA - Fees Policies for Higher Education

These policies outline the different methods by which course fees for Engineers Academy Higher Education (HE) programmes can be paid. In each instance conditions apply, firstly to reflect that these are full-cost distance learning programmes, and secondly to ensure a fair and consistent approach to the collection and retention of fees, irrespective of payment method.

In addition, these policies outline the expectation of Engineers Academy around the ongoing engagement of students. This includes clear minimum expectations of progress and the consequences that may arise if these minimum expectations are not met.

EA - Fees Policy for Higher Education (EA Direct):


EA - Fees Policy for Higher Education (Sub-Contract Delivery):


EA - Learner Engagement Policy

This policy outlines the approach that Engineers Academy maintains towards students recruited for, studying on, and receiving certification from Engineers Academy’s Higher National programmes of study:


EA - Password Policy

This policy outlines the measures taken by Engineers Academy LTD, to ensure the passwords used by students, assessors and administrators meet minimum guidelines and expectations. This policy also outlines the additional measures in place to prevent unauthorised access of student, assessor and administrator accounts, as well as the steps which should be taken if a suspected password breach occurs:


EA - Privacy Policy

Engineers Academy LTD uses a number of different mechanisms to collect, process and control the data of website visitors, Prospects, Customers, Students and Stakeholders. We are committed to protecting privacy and recognise the importance of carefully managing the information that we collect. This policy details the information that we collect, and explains how that information is used. In addition, details are provided on how users can modify or remove any of their personal information from our records:


EA - Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

Although Engineers Academy LTD is not a typical educational establishment, offering only online courses and qualifications, with no physical centre where students are required to attend, a proactive approach is adopted in regard to Safeguarding, Prevent and student welfare.

This policy outlines the measures taken by Engineers Academy to ensure the safety of their students, protecting them from harm, whilst studying with Engineers Academy. Details are also included on how Engineers Academy strives to prevent students, as well as internal and external stakeholders, from being exposed to extremist or harmful materials:
